Entry #11 - Black Friday Shopping

 Hello World, 

    I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and made happy memories with your family and friends. I for one was full for 2 days from all of the food that I ate, totally worth it though. I went to Tucson to be with my family for Thanksgiving and we had some good laughs and ate some really good food like some cornbread, ham, turkey, and stuffing. As saddened that I am to have said goodbye to my family, there was something else that I was able to look forward to. Can anyone guess what it is, Black Friday!! Black Friday comes right after Thanksgiving and it is about the only time that I allow myself to spend some money on myself, so I was very excited that Black Friday was around the corner. I personally do not like Black Friday shopping in person because some people get really crazy and I am not looking to get physically hurt, therefore, I do my Black Friday shopping all online. I would like to tell you guys some websites that I used to purchase some nice items with really good deals. 

    On Tik Tok, I saw this a.d. that was selling some very unique bracelets for couples. The company is called Circle & Luck, and they sell all kinds of jewelry online. The main item that caught my eye was the C&L love bracelets that come with free gift boxes and a gift bag. What is really cool about these bracelets is that they are battery operated and work by using Bluetooth off of your phone. Using the Bluetooth off of your phone you can notify your loved one that you miss them by simply touching your bracelet. For instance, I am a full-time employee at Tutor Time and I am a full-time student at Glendale Community College, and this means that I don't get to see my boyfriend a lot because of my busy schedule. With these bracelets, I could tap mine and my boyfriend's bracelet would light up, therefore, letting him know that I am thinking about him. Another cool feature about this item is that it can also count as a reminder for events in your life. As an example, if you have a scheduled phone call with a school advisor you can select a LED color of your liking and set it to flash purple at that scheduled time! The batteries used are called CR1225 Button Batteries and they are only about $5 for 10 on Amazon. The batteries last an average of 15-30 days which is a pretty long time if you ask me. You can still get these bracelets now because the Black Friday Weekend Sale is all weekend, the sale is 50% off and there is free worldwide shipping!! The total is $119.95 but if you use the promo code, "Tik Tok," you can get $11 off of your purchase. This is a sweet deal as I even purchased it myself and I think you guys should purchase it before time runs out.

    I also used Amazon to find some good deals because lets be honest, Amazon is amazing. Amazon is really fast with its deliveries and literally has everything that you could ever want. If you are looking for a new Fitbit, Amazon has this new bestselling Fitbit that is called Fitbit Versa 3 Health & Fitness Smartwatch and contains a GPS, 24/7 heart rate, Alexa built-in, and 6+ days battery. The colors that it comes in are black, midnight blue, pink, and thistle. Customers seem to love this item as it has a 4 and a half star rating. The watch used to cost $229.95, but with this "Cyber Monday" deal consumers are saving 22% as the new price is $179.95. Fitbits are really nice to have as it helps you to get active, it makes sure that you are good and healthy, and it makes sure that you don't get lost by containing a GPS. I think it is an offer that is very hard to refuse, and that is why I bought it for my dad for Christmas. He likes to stay active and I know that he loves watches so I really hope that he likes this Smartwatch

     There are so much more Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals everywhere online and at your nearby Wal-Mart, these are only 2 deals that I thought were worth sharing. I think Black Friday shopping is fun especially with all of the great deals, plus it's okay to get yourself maybe a thing or two for once. If you do decide to go Black Friday shopping in person please be safe, it can get really crazy out there with everyone fighting for the same things. Try out Amazon or Circle & Luck like I mentioned before, maybe you will find something that you like for yourself or for a loved one. Also, if you end up purchasing the items that I purchased, definitely let me know what you think about them and if you like them I want to know. I highly suggest you take advantage of these sweet deals on Amazon and Circle & Luck before it's too late and you will not regret it. Down below I will put the links to the websites that I was referring to. Happy shopping!

     Circle & Luck



    Alexis Aguilar


  1. Great job with your last 4 entries, Lexi! Interesting ideas and developed content coupled with nice visual appeal creates a very engaging blog. Nice job. Keep blogging!


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