
Entry #11 - Black Friday Shopping

 Hello World,       I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and made happy memories with your family and friends. I for one was full for 2 days from all of the food that I ate, totally worth it though. I went to Tucson to be with my family for Thanksgiving and we had some good laughs and ate some really good food like some cornbread, ham, turkey, and stuffing. As saddened that I am to have said goodbye to my family, there was something else that I was able to look forward to. Can anyone guess what it is, Black Friday!! Black Friday comes right after Thanksgiving and it is about the only time that I allow myself to spend some money on myself, so I was very excited that Black Friday was around the corner. I personally do not like Black Friday shopping in person because some people get really crazy and I am not looking to get physically hurt, therefore, I do my Black Friday shopping all online. I would like to tell you guys some websites that I used to purchase some nice items with real

Entry #10 - Topics in Food Quest

 Hello world, Lately I have been learning a lot about the U.S. food industry and how our food is being processed. I personally do not like our food industry and I think that it needs to change. I hate seeing animals being slaughtered just for our sake, and I am currently doing research on being a vegetarian because I am seriously thinking about becoming one. Not only do I think that killing innocent animals is terrible but there is also an abundance of meat not being eaten by millions of people, which means that a couple of cows’ lives could have been saved. Our food industry produces way too much food and most of it is being wasted. Most of our food is artificially processed now days and we need to go back to times where fresh fruits and vegetables were being eaten all the time. I came across this comic strip online about food processing and I think that it does an excellent job of showing the true nature of it in a cool and funny way.  As you can see down below the comic strip has 3

Entry#9 - The Secrets of Starbucks

     Hello world,     Today I want to talk about something that I just found out and was very shocking to me. Y esterday I was scrolling through Snapchat and I came across my sister’s Snapchat story. I clicked on it because her face is familiar to me, but what I saw on her story was something that was not so familiar to me. She posted a video of her and my other sister in our kitchen with 2 Starbucks cups on the table, one was a grande (medium), and the other one was a vente (large). There were no words said and there was a captain at the bottom of the video that said, "no words needed."My sister ordered a medium-sized latte and asked for a large cup with lots of ice, and here's why. When she got home she poured the medium-sized latte into the large cup of ice, and when she poured it the latte filled the cup almost all the way up. My oldest sister was shocked in the video and it was so funny to see her reaction. All three of us were shocked but it actually makes a lot of

Entry #8 - Food, Inc. (Extra Credit)

       Hello, my fellow Lexinator's,     Earlier this week I was assigned by my English professor to watch the movie, Food, Inc  directed by Robert Kenner. I am so glad that I was assigned to watch this movie because I honestly would never have watched it if my professor never assigned it. It's about an unflattering look inside America's corporate-controlled food industry. The movie is very insightful and very moving, it really gets you thinking about your eating habits and how you can change them for the better. Not only were the details and information provided insightfully, but the images that were shown really do a number on viewers.      The images of the treatment of animals that were shown were some of the most horrific images that I have ever seen! I literally saw butchers just standing up on ladders with huge cows hanging from the ceiling in front of them, and using massive saws to cut the cows in half. My jaw literally dropped, I could not believe that people had

Entry #7 - Fresh movie Analysis

    Hello, my fellow Lexinator's,      Earlier this week I was assigned to watch the movie, Fresh, a film by Ana Sofia Joanes. I was assigned to watch this by my English professor and it turns out that it actually is a pretty good movie. It was a very inspiring and heart whelming film. It opens up with a short summary of the problems and consequences of industrialized food production, then focuses primarily on the individuals who are creating new approaches to address environmental, health, and economic challenges throughout the food chain.      The main characters are farmers, thinkers, and business people across the nation who are at the forefront of re-inventing food production in America. With a strong commitment to sustainability, they are changing how farms are run, how the land is cared for, and how food is distributed. Their goal is to prove to viewers that their success demonstrates that a new pattern based on sustainable practices can be profitable and a model for our foo

Entry #6 - Halloween Time!

       Hello, world! My name is Alexis Aguilar and today I thought I would talk about what we have all been waiting for, Halloween !! Now I am not going to lie, Halloween is definitely not my favorite holiday because I hate getting scared, but I am not going to be a hater you know. There are things that I love about this scary holiday like dressing up as one of my favorite characters, eating as much candy as I can until I feel like throwing up, and just walking around my neighborhood and seeing all of the spooky lights and decorations. I don't go trick-or-treating anymore because I am 18 years old now, my time has come to an end. But that doesn't mean I need to stop celebrating this crazy holiday. If you are not a kid anymore and older like me, there are plenty of things for us to do.      First of all, I plan on dressing up because the costumes that I wore when I was little were more chosen by my mom and not by me, but now I have a job and I can actually go out and buy myself

Entry #5 - Allstate Mayhem Commercial Rhetorical Analysis

       Allstate Mayhem Commercial - Dean Winters as Teenage Girl in Pink Truck      YouTube Link:      Hello, world! My name is Alexis Aguilar and today I would like to talk about this specific Allstate Mayhem Commerical and analyze it to the best of my ability. First I would like to talk about the purpose of the ad, then the society and culture behind it, and then the structure of the commercial. Allstate Mayhem is an auto insurance company, and in this specific commercial, we have Dean Winters acting like a teenage girl driving a pink truck.      I think the purpose of this ad is to make the audience experience what it's like to not have good auto insurance. That if they get into a car crash they are going to go into massive debt because they made the "wrong" choice of not choosing Allstate Mayhem. Therefore, the audience should feel bad and be obligated to switch to Allstate Mayhem. They should also understand that they will be better prote